Bulgaria should announce a shortlist of bidders for the three Bulgarian power plants (Russe, Plovdiv and Bobov Dol) with total capacity of 1,900 MW today at 10:00am CET (originally expected yesterday). Note that CEZ is interested in buying all three power plants. The market expects CEZ to go through to the second round.
NPP Temelin’s 2nd block is to reconnect to the grid today. The block was disconnected on Saturday due to problems with the cooling system. Temelin is also holding a press conference on nuclear power production in 2004 and on the outlook for 2005 today at 11:30am CET.
Today is the last day the stock can be traded with EGM rights. The agenda relates to company restructuring and changes to the management stock option program.
Also, Enel agreed with the Slovak government on the terms regarding the acquisition of Slovenske Elektrarne. Note that CEZ finished second behind CEZ in the tender.