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  • 18.02.2025 19:44:28
Performance Food Gr (NY Consolidated)
Poslední obchod Změna (%) Změna (USD) Objem obchodů (ks)
87,89 0,92 0,80 513 484
R - Real-Time data si mohou aktivovat klienti Patria Plus / Investor Plus ZDE.

  • Poslední aktualizace: 18.02.2025
Popis společnosti
Obecné informace
Název společnostiPerformance Food Group Co
Kmenové akcie:Ordinary Shares
Poslední známé roční výsledky29.06.2024
Poslední známé čtvrtletní výsledky28.12.2024
Počet zaměstnanců k 29.06.2024 36 630
Akcie v oběhu k 29.01.2025 156 216 487
Konstituent indexůS&P 400 Mid Cap
Kontaktní informace
Ulice12500 W Creek Pkwy
ZeměUnited States
Kontatní osobaBill Marshall
Funkce kontaktní osobyVice President - Investor Relations
Telefon18 044 847 700

Business Summary: Performance Food Group Company is a food and foodservice distribution company. The Company operates through three segments: Foodservice, Vistar, and Convenience. Its Foodservice segment distributes a line of national brands, customer brands, and its proprietary-branded food and food-related products to independent and multi-unit chain restaurants and other institutions. Its Vistar segment specializes in distributing candy, snacks, beverages, and other items nationally to vending, office coffee service, theater, retail, hospitality, and other channels. Its Convenience segment distributes candy, snacks, beverages, cigarettes, other tobacco products, food and foodservice related products and other items to convenience stores across North America. It markets and distributes over 250,000 food and food-related products to customers across the United States from approximately 144 distribution facilities to over 300,000 customer locations in the food-away-from-home industry.
Financial Summary: BRIEF: For the six months ended 28 December 2024, Performance Food Group Co revenues increased 6% to $31.05B. Net income decreased 24% to $150.4M. Revenues reflect Foodservice segment increase from $7.27B to $16.05B, Convenience segment increase of 95% to $12.33B. Net income was offset by Operating expenses - Balancing value increase of 12% to $3.02B (expense), Interest expense - Balancing value increase of 36% to $140.3M (expense).
Odvětvová klasifikace
TRBC2009Food Distribution / Convenience Stores
TRBC2012Food Retail & Distribution (NEC)
MGINDUSTRYFood Processing
NAICSGeneral Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers
NAICSTobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers
NAICSConfectionery Merchant Wholesalers
NAICSFish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers
NAICSLocal Messengers and Local Delivery
NAICS2007General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers
NAICS2007Tobacco and Tobacco Product Merchant Wholesalers
NAICS2007Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers
NAICS2007Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers
NAICS2007Local Messengers and Local Delivery
NAICS1997General Line Grocery Wholesalers
NAICS1997Tobacco and Tobacco Product Wholesalers
NAICS1997Confectionery Wholesalers
NAICS1997Fish and Seafood Wholesalers
NAICS1997Local Messengers and Local Delivery
SICGroceries, General Line
SICGroceries, General Line
SICTobacco And Tobacco Products
SICFish And Seafoods
SICCourier Services, Except By Air

  • Poslední aktualizace: 18.02.2025
Management společnosti
FunkceJménoVěkVe funkci odVe firmě od
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive OfficerGeorge Holm6903.01.2022
President, Chief Operating OfficerScott Mcpherson5401.01.202510.08.2022
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice PresidentH. Patrick Hatcher5401.01.202301.01.2023
Chief Human Resource Officer, Executive Vice PresidentErika Davis60
Executive Vice President, Chief Information OfficerDonald Bulmer59
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Company SecretaryA. Brent King55
Executive Vice President, Chief Development OfficerCraig Hoskins6301.01.2025