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Mercedes-Benz Group AG57,6457,661,08
12.10.2024 2:04:00
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  • 11.10.2024
Poste Italiane (Milan)
Závěr k 11.10.2024 Změna (%) Změna (EUR) Objem obchodů (EUR)
12,82 0,75 0,10 -
R - Real-Time data si mohou aktivovat klienti Patria Plus / Investor Plus ZDE.

  • Poslední aktualizace: 13.10.2024
Popis společnosti
Obecné informace
Název společnostiPoste Italiane SpA
Kmenové akcie:Ordinary Shares
Poslední známé roční výsledky31.12.2023
Poslední známé čtvrtletní výsledky30.06.2024
Počet zaměstnanců k 31.03.2024 118 000
Akcie v oběhu k 30.06.20241 295 328 198
Kontaktní informace
UliceViale Europa, 190
Kontatní osobaGiuseppe Esposito
Funkce kontaktní osobyHead of Investor Relations
Telefon 390 659 581
Kontatní telefon390 659 580 487

Business Summary: Poste Italiane SpA is an Italy based company active in the areas of post and logistics as well as in financial and insurance services. The Company through its subsidiaries operates four segments: Mail, Parcels and Distribution; Payments, Mobile and Digital; Financial Services; and Insurance Services. The Mail, Parcels and Distribution segment includes letter post, express delivery, logistics, parcels and philately, among others. The Payments, Mobile and Digital segment includes payment services and mobile telecommunications services. Financial Services includes the collection of all forms of savings deposits, the provision of payment services, foreign currency exchange, the promotion and arrangement of loans issued by authorized financial institutions and the provision of investment services, among others. Insurance Services operates in ministerial life assurance Classes I, III and V and non-life insurance, among others. The Company is active locally.
Financial Summary: BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2024, Poste Italiane SpA revenues increased 4% to EUR6.31B. Net income applicable to common stockholders decreased 11% to EUR1.02B. Revenues reflect Insurance Services segment increase of 7% to EUR827M, Payments, Mobile and Digital segment increase of 6% to EUR761M. Net income was offset by Personnel expenses increase of 4% to EUR2.54B (expense).
Odvětvová klasifikace
TRBC2009Air Freight / Courier Services
TRBC2012Courier Services
RBSS2004Air Freight & Courier Services
MGINDUSTRYMoney Center Banks
NAICSCommercial Banking
NAICSFinancial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
NAICSPortfolio Management and Investment Advice
NAICSPostal Service
NAICSLocal Messengers and Local Delivery
NAICSCouriers and Express Delivery Services
NAICSDirect Life Insurance Carriers
NAICSDirect Health and Medical Insurance Carriers
NAICSDirect Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers
NAICSInsurance Agencies and Brokerages
NAICS2007Commercial Banking
NAICS2007Postal Service
NAICS2007Couriers and Express Delivery Services
NAICS2007Mail-Order Houses
NAICS2007Direct Life Insurance Carriers
NAICS2007Direct Health & Medical Insurance Carriers
NAICS2007Direct Property & Casualty Insurance Carriers
NAICS2007Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)
NAICS1997Commercial Banking
NAICS1997Postal Service
NAICS1997Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses
NAICS1997Direct Life Insurance Carriers
NAICS1997Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers
NAICS1997Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers
NAICS1997Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications
SICCommercial Banks, Nec
SICFuncions Related To Deposit Banks
SICInvestment Advice
SICU.S. Postal Service
SICCourier Services, Except By Air
SICLife Insurance
SICHospital/medical Service Plans
SICFire/marine/casualty Insurance
SICInsurance Agents/brokers/service

  • Poslední aktualizace: 13.10.2024
Management společnosti
FunkceJménoVěkVe funkci odVe firmě od
Chairman of the Supervisory BoardCarlo Longari-
Chief Executive Officer, Executive DirectorMatteo Del Fante5728.02.202428.04.2017
General ManagerGiuseppe Lasco-28.02.202428.02.2024