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Oblíbené tituly
Mercedes-Benz Group AG57,7557,770,47
07.02.2025 10:00:00
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  • 06.02.2025
Consumer Portfol (NASDAQ Cons)
Závěr k 6.2.2025 Změna (%) Změna (USD) Objem obchodů (ks)
11,28 -1,05 -0,12 13 691
R - Real-Time data si mohou aktivovat klienti Patria Plus / Investor Plus ZDE.

  • Poslední aktualizace: 07.02.2025
Popis společnosti
Obecné informace
Název společnostiConsumer Portfolio Services Inc
Kmenové akcie:Ordinary Shares
Poslední známé roční výsledky31.12.2023
Poslední známé čtvrtletní výsledky30.09.2024
Počet zaměstnanců k 30.09.2024 925
Akcie v oběhu k 31.10.2024 21 405 198
Kontaktní informace
Ulice19500 Jamboree Road
ZeměUnited States
Kontatní osobaTom Colton
Funkce kontaktní osobyInvestor Relations
Telefon19 497 536 800
Kontatní telefon19 495 743 860

Business Summary: Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc. is a specialty finance company. The Company’s business is to provide purchase and service retail automobile contracts originated primarily by franchised automobile dealers and, to a lesser extent, by select independent dealers in the United States in the sale of new and used automobiles, light trucks, and passenger vans. Through its automobile contract purchases, it provides indirect financing to the customers of dealers. It serves as an alternative source of financing for dealers, facilitating sales to customers from traditional sources, such as commercial banks, credit unions, and the finance companies affiliated with automobile manufacturers. It also originates vehicle purchase money loans by lending directly to consumers. It offers over eight different financing programs and prices each program according to relative credit risk. Its financing programs include First Time Buyer, Mercury / Delta, Standard, Alpha, Alpha Plus, Super Alpha and Preferred.
Financial Summary: BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2024, Consumer Portfolio Services Inc revenues increased 7% to $272.2M. Net income decreased 63% to $14.1M. Revenues reflect FINANCE SERVICES segment increase of 62% to $294.6M, Net Interest Margin - Total - % increase of 5% to 6.4%. Net income was offset by Provission decrease of 83% to $3.6M (income). Basic Earnings per Share excluding Extraordinary Items decreased from $1.84 to $0.66.
Odvětvová klasifikace
TRBC2009Consumer Financial Services
TRBC2012Consumer Lending (NEC)
RBSS2004Consumer Financial Services
MGINDUSTRYConsumer Financial Services
NAICSSales Financing
NAICS2007Sales Financing
NAICS1997Sales Financing
SICMisc Business Credit Institutions

  • Poslední aktualizace: 07.02.2025
Management společnosti
FunkceJménoVěkVe funkci odVe firmě od
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive OfficerCharles Bradley6402.12.2022
President, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Legal OfficerMichael Lavin5102.12.2022
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President - FinanceDenesh Bharwani5623.09.2022
Executive Vice President - Sales and OriginationsTeri Robinson61
Senior Vice President, General CounselLisette Reynoso36
Senior Vice President - Human ResourcesCatrina Ralston48
Senior Vice President - OriginationsMichele Baumeister57
Senior Vice President - Compliance and Regulatory AffairsApril Crisp37
Senior Vice President - ServicingCharles Gonel43
Senior Vice President - Business DevelopmentJohn Harton59