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  • 12.02.2025
Eversource Energy (NY Consolidated)
Závěr k 12.2.2025 Změna (%) Změna (USD) Objem obchodů (ks)
59,72 -2,83 -1,74 4 620 225
R - Real-Time data si mohou aktivovat klienti Patria Plus / Investor Plus ZDE.

  • Poslední aktualizace: 13.02.2025
Popis společnosti
Obecné informace
Název společnostiEversource Energy
Kmenové akcie:Ordinary Shares
Prioritní akciePreference Shares
Prioritní akciePreference Shares
Prioritní akciePreference Shares
Poslední známé roční výsledky31.12.2023
Poslední známé čtvrtletní výsledky30.09.2024
Počet zaměstnanců k 31.12.2023 10 171
Akcie v oběhu k 31.10.2024 366 402 087
Konstituent indexůS&P 500
Kontaktní informace
Ulice300 Cadwell Dr
ZeměUnited States
Kontatní osobaMelissa Cameron
Funkce kontaktní osobyInvestor Relations
Telefon18 606 655 000
Kontatní telefon17 814 418 862

Business Summary: Eversource Energy is a utility holding company, which is engaged in the energy delivery business through its subsidiaries. Its segments include Electric Distribution, Electric Transmission, Natural Gas Distribution and Water Distribution. The Electric Distribution segment is engaged in the distribution of electricity to retail customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, respectively, and the solar power facilities of NSTAR Electric. The Electric Transmission segment own and maintains transmission facilities that are part of an interstate power transmission grid over which electricity is transmitted throughout New England. The Natural Gas Distribution segment distributes natural gas to its customers in Massachusetts and Connecticut. The Water Distribution segment provides water services to over 241,000 residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and fire protection and other customers, in 72 towns and cities in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Financial Summary: BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2024, Eversource Energy revenues decreased 3% to $8.93B. Net income decreased 13% to $739.1M. Revenues reflect Natural Gas Distribution segment decrease of 3% to $610.7M, Water Distribution segment decrease of 2% to $124.6M. Net income also reflects Other segment income decrease of 5% to $68.5M. Dividend per share increased from $2.03 to $2.15.
Odvětvová klasifikace
TRBC2009Utilities - Electric
TRBC2012Electric Utilities (NEC)
RBSS2004Utilities - Electric
MGINDUSTRYElectric Utilities
NAICSElectric Power Distribution
NAICSElectric Bulk Power Transmission and Control
NAICSNatural Gas Distribution
NAICSWater Supply and Irrigation Systems
NAICSHydroelectric Power Generation
NAICSFossil Fuel Electric Power Generation
NAICSOffices of Other Holding Companies
NAICS2007Electric Power Distribution
NAICS2007Electric Bulk Power Transmission & Control
NAICS2007Natural Gas Distribution
NAICS2007Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
NAICS2007Hydroelectric Power Generation
NAICS2007Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation
NAICS2007Offices of Other Holding Companies
NAICS1997Electric Power Distribution
NAICS1997Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control
NAICS1997Natural Gas Distribution
NAICS1997Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
NAICS1997Hydroelectric Power Generation
NAICS1997Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation
NAICS1997Offices of Other Holding Companies
SICElectric Services
SICElectric Services
SICNatural Gas Distribution
SICWater Supply
SICHolding Companies, Nec

  • Poslední aktualizace: 13.02.2025
Management společnosti
FunkceJménoVěkVe funkci odVe firmě od
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, President, Chief Executive OfficerJoseph Nolan6131.12.202210.04.2012
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, TreasurerJohn Moreira6204.05.202212.09.2018
Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice PresidentPaul Chodak6013.11.202313.11.2023
Executive Vice President, General CounselGregory Butler6610.04.201201.05.2001
Executive Vice President - Human Resources and Information TechnologySusan Sgroi5908.01.202408.01.2024
Executive Vice President - Corporate Relations and Sustainability, SecretaryJames Hunt5213.11.202305.05.2021
Executive Vice President - Customer Experience and Energy StrategyPenelope Conner6105.05.202105.05.2021
Chief Accounting Officer, Vice President, ControllerJay Buth5410.04.201209.06.2009