The Management Board of Fortuna Entertainment Group N.V. decided at its meeting held on April 11, 2013 that it will propose a gross dividend per share of EUR 0.67 at the upcoming AGM. Total pay-out shall amount EUR 0.67 per share and will be composed of three parts – dividend from consolidated net profit for 2012 (0.23 EUR ps), dividend from retained earnings (0.10 EUR ps) and share premium distribution (0.34 EUR ps).
The Management Board of the Company will proposed to the AGM a record day of June 11, 2013 and two different dates for dividend payment, either June 26, 2013 or July 30, 2013, depending on availability of external financing.
The long-term dividend policy of the Company with the dividend payout ratio is 70 - 100 % of the consolidated net profit will not be affected by this year´s dividend declaration.
POSITIVE and not fully expected in such an amount in our view; We see 0,25-0,3 EUR per share (i.e. 7% DY) as sustainable for the forseeable future.