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The Polish zloty inched higher past the 3.96 EUR/PLN support with surprising ease on Tuesday

The Polish zloty inched higher past the 3.96 EUR/PLN support with surprising ease on Tuesday

04.10.2006 10:28

The Polish zloty inched higher past the 3.96 EUR/PLN support with surprising ease on Tuesday and headed into the 3.94 area as stop-loss transactions kicked in below 3.95. The rally ended by noon though and the pair quickly settled into an extremely tight range, as eyes turned back to politics once again for a while. The Polish Peasants Party (PSL) offered the ruling conservatives from the PiS a 3 month pact of “good will” in order to pass the 2007 budget and prevent earlier elections.

The PiS responded relatively positively to the proposal, and high ranking politicians stressed that the road to coalition talks had been reopened. No definite declarations have been made so far, although the threat of the flash poll seems to have faded somewhat. Nonetheless we still have doubts whether the conciliatory tone is anything more than pre-election play from the PSL and PiS ahead of the local elections next month, especially since the two parties together with the far right LPR and the parliamentary plankton still lack 6 votes to form the (frailest possible) majority in the Sejm.

However if the deal is eventually sealed or if it leads to the renewal of coalition negotiations (the conservatives have so far advocated strongly for a proper coalition agreement), it should provide the market with some short term relief from uncertainty associated with the looming earlier elections and help investors focus on the economy rather than politics. At the same time we stick to our view that in the longer term perspective the coalition (which will be weak by definition) is, comparably, a worse scenario for the zloty than earlier elections so any further upside may very well be short lived. Zloty firmed on signals of political crisis solution.

(CSOB - Investment research)

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