Ageas announced that it has reached an agreement to sell its German Life activities to Augur Capital. Ageas Deutschland Lebensversicherung AG began operating in the German life market in 2007 as Fortis Deutschland Lebensversicherung AG. In 2010, the company realised a premium income of € 45m and reached a solvency ratio of 305% at year-end, which represents a strong capitalisation level. The company, based in Göttingen, distributes products through banks, brokersand partnerships. The acquisition will include Beteiligungskonzept GmbH with its subsidiaries. Beteiligungskonzept GmbH has become a recognised group in the emerging fee-based advisory business. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to close by year-end 2011. The transaction is likely to result in a limited capital loss for Ageas that will be accounted for in the General Account in 3Q11E. Our View: The sale of the German company is in line with Ageas’ strategy to divest activities where it has insufficient scale and no prospects to improve it. Conclusion: We maintain our Buy rating with € 2.85 target price.