Slovakia’s economy minister, Pavol Rusko, said at a press conference yesterday that all three bidders, i.e. CEZ, Enel and Inter RAO, expressed their will to complete the construction of the two 440 MW remaining blocks at the Mochovce NPP. Rusko also added that completion of the two blocks would be one of the key factors in evaluation of the bids. Source Bloomberg. According the SE itself, total funds needed for the completion should total SKK 42.5 bn. The completion was mentioned to be a key issue for the Slovak Cabinet for several times before, the above, including the cost of completion, is not surprising.
Please note that the privatization advisor should recommend the winner by 10 September to the privatization committee, which should in turn make its recommendation to the Government the same day, i.e. on 10 September.
Tomáš Gatěk